Spot and react to mould string inaccuracies in time!

Identify and solve potential problems before pouring

Only a perfect mould alignment can produce perfect castings

Mould mismatches and gaps cause casting defects that require extensive rework or may need to be scrapped. Additionally, they can lead to run-through issues, resulting in mould line downtime. Even the most advanced foundries struggle to identify mould alignment problems early enough to prevent them. In fact, many foundries remain unaware until long after the moulds have been poured and further processed. This time delay can result in the production of many more castings with the same issue.

Why you should choose the DISA MAC solution

  • The DISA MAC empowers foundries by providing critical information before pouring
  • Foundry operators can make informed decisions based on real-time data
  • Consistently conform to stricter tolerance requirements for castings
  • Makes you achieve precision and quality in production
  • Detects dropped cores or filter problems early
  • Minimizes downtime and improve operational reliability

Get access to our experienced service people and high-quality spare parts

DISA aftermarket offers full service and maintenance, professional operator training and foundry technology service agreements to help optimize your productivity and performance.

Learn more about DISA MAC

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