The functional unit of a GTFSL cassette type dust collector (reverse air cleaning) comprises an inlet hood for dust-laden gas, the filter casing and the dust collection hopper with support structure and a discharge unit.
The cassettes are arranged horizontally in the dirty gas chamber, and the connection with the slotted wall by a clamping frame with leg springs is airtight. Air flow direction through the filter is from top to bottom (down-flow principle).The gas enters the clean gas chamber of the filter through the cassette. During this process, the dust is held back by the filter media and forms a filter cake which is important for dust filtration.
The fully programmable dedusting process is activated after a specific time period and the dust is cleaned out of the filter cassette. For this, a Reverse air fan is used to blow the air in reverse direction. The air blown by the fan creates a balloon effect on the fabric and the dust falls into the collecting hopper and is discharged through Rotary airlock valve or Double flap valve and finally through a screw conveyor.
The cleaning air fan is located outside the filter. The cleaning air is connected to the mobile cleaning carriage via a flexible hose. The cleaning carriage is driven by a maintenance-free rope-and-chain drive. There is a pre-programmed indexing mechanism to move the cleaning carriage connected to reverse air fan for cleaning of bags.