UN Sustainability Goal 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure

UN Goal 9 aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation in developing countries. Access to affordable, innovative sustainable technologies is a vital enabler of this.

DISA transfers its DISAMATIC C3 and MATCH technology to India and China to better support local markets in these countries and across South-East Asia. This makes upgrading from manual processes and simple jolt squeeze machines to faster, more efficient matchplate moulding or entry-level vertical moulding much more accessible for local foundries – a key target within UN Goal 9.

Efficiency-boosting accessories like automatic mould conveyor systems and automatic core setters are also manufactured locally in India and China.

Encouraging domestic technology development

As part of our technology transfer process, we have long-established local R&D centres which develop new and enhanced products aimed at their own markets.

For example, the Indian-manufactured DISAMATIC C3-150’s speed of 150 moulds/hour was initially requested by the Indian foundry market, as was its manual core setting option. Responding to local demand in China, DISA has just introduced an X size chamber for the Chinese-built and widely installed DISAMATIC C3-350.

Digital is an integral part of this technology transfer too, with DISA’s Monitizer® Industry 4.0 suite available and supported globally. A localised version of Monitizer hosted on Alibaba Cloud is available in China.

Partnering for sustainable development

UN Sustainability Goal 17 is all about partnership and investment in developing nations

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