Highlights from an automotive industry major player

Constantly seeking to engineer change and lead technology, DISA held a local innovation symposium onsite at one of the leading automotive companies in France: PSA GROUPE.

On May 3, 2017, DISA held a local innovation symposium with one of the leading automotive companies in France, PSA GROUPE. The purpose of the meeting, held at the customer premises and scheduled by DISA’s Moulding Manager in France, Dominique Dallalba, was two-fold:

  1. To give an in-depth introduction into how DISA continuously seeks to engineer change, build sustainable products and solutions, and lead technology.
  2. To introduce the two new companies within the Norican Group, namely ItalPresseGauss through input from Giorgio Comincini, and StrikoWestofen via input from Christophe Lacourt.

Eight representatives from the process engineering and development departments at PSA GROUPE took part in the four-hour symposium, which also included DISA’s innovation manager Per Larsen as one of the speakers and participants.

Highlights and key messages

Our mission at the local innovation symposium with PSA was to take the opportunity to elaborate on and engage in an in-depth dialogue with the representatives in order to learn more about their specific pains and challenges, thereby seeking to build a common understanding and way forward.

Some of the key points brought forward by PSA GROUPE were:

  • The importance of reliability and accuracy – not just in the equipment, solutions and spare parts supply, support and services, etc., but certainly also as a characteristic of the supplier itself, being the safe-guard of both high-quality machines and an open and honest partnership environment.
  • Easy maintenance access and overall improvement of productivity and efficiency – seeking professional advice from a supplier who is constantly on the look-out for new ways to improve the overall productivity of the automotive industry and help its leading manufacturers stay at the forefront of the market.

Thank you!

We would like to thank all PSA GROUPE participants for their active attendance and sharing their valuable insights into not just their particular business, but also their strategic priorities and everyday working life with the foundry industry.

We truly believe that it is through collaborative meetings and events like this that we, at DISA, will be able to continue to innovate to give our customers and business partners the opportunity to constantly improve their competitive edge.